Minuteman Procedure

Schedule a consultation to see if the Minuteman procedure is right for you

What is the Minuteman® procedure?

The Minuteman procedure is a minimally invasive surgical intervention designed to alleviate chronic lower back pain caused by conditions such as spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, and degenerative disc disease. This procedure involves the implantation of the Minuteman device, an interspinous-interlaminar fusion implant, which is placed between the spinous processes of the affected vertebrae in the lower spine. The device is designed to stabilize the spine, relieve pressure on the spinal nerves, and reduce pain without the need for traditional open spinal surgery. Because it is minimally invasive, it typically results in shorter recovery times, less postoperative pain, and fewer complications compared to more extensive surgical procedures. The Minuteman procedure offers patients a promising option for pain relief and improved mobility, especially for those who have not responded to conservative treatment measures.  

The Minuteman procedure is named after the Minuteman device used in the surgery, which metaphorically references the historical Minutemen who were ready at a minute's notice during the American Revolutionary War. This name reflects the device's purpose to provide a quick, efficient solution for spinal instability and pain, emphasizing the procedure's minimal invasiveness, rapid recovery, and the immediate relief it aims to deliver, much like the swift readiness of the original Minutemen.

What are the benefits and risks of the Minuteman® procedure?

The Minuteman® procedure, a minimally invasive spinal surgery, offers several benefits and carries certain risks, similar to other medical procedures. It's important for patients considering the Minuteman® procedure to discuss these benefits and risks in detail with their healthcare provider to make an informed decision based on their specific condition and overall health.

Here’s a breakdown of its potential advantages and disadvantages:


  • Minimally Invasive: Compared to traditional open spine surgery, the Minuteman procedure is less invasive, involving smaller incisions, which can lead to less tissue damage and a reduced risk of infection.
  • Quick Recovery: Patients typically experience a faster recovery time, allowing them to return to their daily activities sooner than they would after conventional spine surgery.
  • Reduced Pain and Discomfort: The procedure aims to stabilize the spine and relieve pressure on the nerves, which can significantly reduce back pain and discomfort.
  • Outpatient Procedure: Often performed as an outpatient procedure, it doesn’t usually require an extended hospital stay, making it more convenient and potentially less costly.
  • Immediate Relief: Many patients report immediate improvement in their symptoms following the surgery.


  • Infection: As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection, although this risk is minimized due to the procedure's minimally invasive nature.
  • Bleeding: There is a potential risk of bleeding, although it is typically less than with traditional surgery.
  • Device Migration or Failure: There is a possibility that the Minuteman device could move from its original position or fail, potentially requiring additional surgery.
  • Nerve Damage: While rare, there is a risk of nerve damage during the procedure, which could result in numbness, weakness, or pain.
  • No Guarantee of Pain Relief: As with any medical treatment, there is no guarantee that the procedure will completely alleviate pain for every patient, and some may not experience the desired level of relief.

Who is a good candidate for the Minuteman® procedure?

Good candidates for the Minuteman® procedure are typically individuals suffering from chronic lower back pain due to specific spinal conditions that have not responded well to conservative treatment methods. These conditions include:

  • Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back that can compress the nerves, leading to pain, numbness, or weakness in the legs and back.
  • Spondylolisthesis: A condition where one of the vertebrae slips out of place onto the vertebra below it, causing pain and potentially affecting nerve function.
  • Degenerative Disc Disease: Although a normal part of aging, in some cases, it can lead to significant pain and instability in the spine.
  • Foraminal Stenosis: Narrowing of the openings between the bones in the spine through which nerves exit, causing nerve compression and pain.

Candidates should meet the following criteria:

  • Have chronic lower back pain attributable to one of the above conditions or similar spinal issues.
  • Have tried and not responded to conservative treatments such as physical therapy, medications, and corticosteroid injections.
  • Do not have significant spinal instability or require a more extensive surgical intervention.
  • Are in generally good health with no medical conditions that would preclude them from undergoing a surgical procedure.

It is essential for potential candidates to undergo a thorough evaluation by a specialist who can assess their specific condition, medical history, and overall health to determine if the Minuteman® procedure is the most appropriate treatment option.

How is the Minuteman® procedure performed?

The performance of the procedure always considers each patients specific condition and overall health.  Here is a general overview of how the procedure is performed:

  • Preparation: The patient is placed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the specific circumstances and patient's health. The procedure area on the patient's back is cleaned and sterilized to prevent infection.
  • Incision: A small incision, typically less than an inch long, is made in the skin over the affected spine area. This minimally invasive approach reduces tissue damage and the risk of complications.
  • Device Placement: Using fluoroscopy (a type of real-time X-ray imaging) for guidance, the surgeon introduces the Minuteman® device through the incision. The device is an interspinous-interlaminar fusion implant, designed to be placed between the spinous processes of the vertebrae, just above and below the affected spinal segment.
  • Securing the Device: Once in the correct position, the device is expanded and secured in place. This creates space between the vertebrae, relieving pressure on the nerves and stabilizing the spine. The Minuteman® device acts as a spacer and provides immediate structural support to the affected area.
  • Closure: The incision is then closed with sutures or surgical staples, and a sterile dressing is applied. Due to the procedure's minimally invasive nature, the incision is small, and scarring is minimal.
  • Recovery: The patient is typically monitored for a short period before being discharged. Many patients can go home the same day of the procedure. Postoperative instructions include activity modification, pain management, and possibly physical therapy to ensure a successful recovery.

The Minuteman® procedure offers several benefits, including reduced operative time, less postoperative pain, faster recovery, and the potential to return to normal activities more quickly compared to traditional open spine surgery. However, it's essential for patients to have a thorough discussion with their healthcare provider about the risks, benefits, and potential outcomes of the procedure based on their specific condition.

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