Facet Joint Injection

Our team has successfully provided relief to numerous patients suffering from chronic back pain through facet joint injections, achieving exceptional outcomes. Reach out to discover how we can assist you in finding relief from your pain.

What is a Facet Joint Injection?

Facet joint injections are a minimally invasive procedure used to diagnose and alleviate pain stemming from the facet joints, which are small stabilizing joints located between and behind adjacent vertebrae in the spine. These injections serve a dual purpose: they can confirm whether the facet joints are the source of an individual's back pain through the administration of a local anesthetic, and they can provide therapeutic relief with the injection of corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and pain. Facet joint pain can result from arthritis, injury, or degeneration of the spine, leading to chronic discomfort, stiffness, and reduced mobility.

The procedure involves the precise placement of a needle into the affected facet joint under fluoroscopic (X-ray) guidance to ensure accuracy. Once the needle is correctly positioned, the medication mixture is injected directly into the joint space. This targeted approach can offer significant pain relief, allowing patients to engage more effectively in physical therapy and resume their daily activities with less discomfort. While the duration of pain relief varies among individuals, facet joint injections are a valuable component of a comprehensive pain management strategy, providing a non-surgical option for those seeking to manage their spinal pain and improve their quality of life.

What are the benefits and risks of Facet Joint Injections?

Facet joint injections are a minimally invasive treatment option for managing pain associated with facet joint disorders, such as arthritis, degeneration, or injury. These injections can offer both diagnostic and therapeutic benefits, helping to alleviate pain and improve mobility. However, like all medical procedures, they come with certain risks.


  • Pain Relief: The primary benefit is immediate and potentially long-term relief from pain, enabling patients to participate more fully in physical therapy and daily activities.
  • Diagnostic Utility: By injecting a local anesthetic into the facet joint, physicians can determine if the facet joint is the source of pain, providing valuable information for further treatment planning.
  • Minimally Invasive: Compared to surgery, facet joint injections are less invasive, involve minimal recovery time, and are associated with fewer complications.
  • Improved Function: By reducing pain and inflammation, these injections can help improve joint function and mobility.
  • Delaying Surgery: For some patients, facet joint injections can provide sufficient relief to delay or avoid more invasive surgical interventions.


  • Infection: There's a small risk of infection at the injection site or within the joint.
  • Bleeding: A risk exists for bleeding, particularly for patients with bleeding disorders or those on blood-thinning medications.
  • Nerve Damage: Although rare, there's a possibility of nerve damage during the needle insertion.
  • Temporary Discomfort: Some patients may experience temporary soreness or swelling at the injection site.
  • Allergic Reactions: There's a risk of allergic reactions to the medications used in the injection.
  • Lack of Efficacy: In some cases, patients may not experience significant pain relief from the injection.

Facet joint injections can be an effective part of a comprehensive pain management plan for individuals suffering from back pain due to facet joint problems. It's important for you to discuss the potential benefits and risks through a consultation to determine if facet joint injections are a suitable option for your specific condition.

Who is a good candidate for Facet Joint Injections?

Good candidates for facet joint injections are individuals experiencing chronic pain primarily due to facet joint syndrome or arthritis affecting the facet joints, which are small stabilizing joints located between and behind adjacent vertebrae. These conditions often result in back or neck pain, with symptoms that may include tenderness, stiffness, and pain that radiates into the shoulders, buttocks, or thighs. Ideal candidates typically exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Chronic Pain: Patients who have not found sufficient relief from chronic back or neck pain through conservative treatments such as physical therapy, medications, or lifestyle changes.
  • Diagnosed Facet Joint Problems: Individuals with a clear diagnosis of facet joint syndrome, osteoarthritis affecting the facet joints, or other related conditions confirmed by diagnostic imaging tests like MRI or CT scans.
  • Localized Pain: Those with pain that is localized to the area around the facet joints rather than diffuse pain, which might suggest a different spinal condition.
  • No Significant Relief from Conservative Measures: Patients who have tried and not benefited significantly from non-invasive treatment options.
  • Not a Candidate for Surgery: Individuals looking for minimally invasive treatment options to manage their pain, especially those who may not be candidates for more invasive surgical procedures due to medical reasons or personal preference.

Facet joint injections can serve both a diagnostic and therapeutic purpose, helping to confirm the facet joints as the source of pain and providing temporary to long-term relief from symptoms. We can conduct a thorough evaluation to determine if facet joint injections are an appropriate treatment option based on your specific situation and health status.

How is a Facet Joint Injection performed?

The process involves the following steps:


  • Patient Evaluation: A thorough evaluation, including a review of the patient’s medical history and imaging studies (MRI, CT scans) to confirm that facet joint syndrome is the likely source of pain.
  • Informed Consent: The patient is informed about the procedure's benefits, risks, and any alternatives. Informed consent is obtained.
  • Positioning: The patient is positioned face down on a fluoroscopy (real-time X-ray) table to allow clear access to the facet joints.

The Procedure

  • Sterilization and Anesthesia: The skin over the target area is cleaned with an antiseptic solution, and a local anesthetic is applied to numb the skin and tissue around the facet joint.
  • Fluoroscopic Guidance: Fluoroscopy is used to guide the needle precisely into the facet joint. This imaging ensures accurate placement of the needle and enhances the procedure's safety and effectiveness.
  • Injection: Once the needle is correctly positioned within the facet joint, a mixture of anesthetic and anti-inflammatory corticosteroid medication is injected. The anesthetic provides immediate pain relief, while the steroid helps reduce inflammation and provide longer-term pain relief.
  • Monitoring: After the injection, the patient is monitored for a short period for any adverse reactions. The entire procedure typically takes less than 30 minutes.


  • Recovery: Patients can usually leave shortly after the procedure but may need to rest for the remainder of the day. The treated area might feel numb or sore for a few days.
  • Follow-Up: A follow-up appointment is often scheduled to assess the effectiveness of the injection and to determine the next steps in the patient's treatment plan.

Facet Joint Injections can provide significant pain relief and improved mobility for individuals with facet joint syndrome, allowing them to return to their daily activities with reduced discomfort.

How Can We Help You?

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